The 15 to 19 studs per shoe blow any other "winter" shoe off the ice. They also make a range of models from traditional, beefmo running shoes to minimalist floppers. Most models are available with or without studs for your trail running pleasure. Some models come in standard rubber, sticky rubber or "Outdry" waterproof, breathable membrane for where ever you go.
The Swedes and the rest of Scandinavia are all such active cultures as well. They have a passion for the outdoors and breathing heavily at all times of the year.
They are definitely worth checking out, and no I am not sponsored by them. . . . . .yet.
I put this post in two categories; "Rambles" because I ramble about in them, and "Injuries and Prevention" because they help you to stay on your feet. For me, I would rather feel safe on ice and run a regular stride than do the penguin run and have hip flexors that go all winter with out reaching their full range of motion.
You can get them on I hope to see you out there this winter!